Every year at this time people come together with one common goal...goals. I do not care for "resolutions", but goal is okay. Or game plan. Or even just "I wanna do this".
I have done a "what to keep" before and I actually did better with it than I thought. Not everything made it into the shops and not enough left to show much of a difference in styles. But it was there.
This year I am cutting back even more while expanding. The cut backs are bag styles and the expanding involve non-bag items. I wrote more detail about it on my other blog. Her I am just showing off the examples of what will be continued.

This sketch is a quilt I want to make...or wall hanging or table runner. I am not sure how large I am going to make it just yet. But it does represent something new I want to do. Although it shows it rather faintly...

I think it's always good to take a step back with an editing eye and ask yourself what you enjoy making and what you don't, what's selling and what's not, and how you can tweek/ or discontinue somethings to make room for others. It keeps the momentum of your shop going.
It's always good (although not always easy) to evaluate what you should keep, and what needs to go out. Emotions get involved, but I'm glad you are able to make the right decisions!
you are expanding in a lot of new directions. I've always loved your bags, and the monsters are so much fun!
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