I went to sketch out some new embroidery ideas that were busting at the folds of my brain...and found I was out. The only sketchbook I had not filled up was a giant one I used to use for landscape or take alongs to the art museum. Way too big. So I went out and bought more. I also nabbed a watercolor pad (or two) since my oldest just got some watercolors. Another thing I want to pick up again...and really, what new thing do I NOT want to do? :P
Anyway, when I went digging for my old pencils, I also found my watercolor pencils. So I played. This is the "before". I have yet to add the water. I decided to divide the larger page into strips for bookmarks. Also inspired by my oldest who asked me to make him one. He keeps forgetting what page of Dante's Inferno he is on.
Now for those of you who may know my son well enough - which one do you think is his?
And big thanks to Blue Chair Diary for hosting the Sunday Sketch on her blog...it was another thing that inspired me to pick up my sketch pad again.
Great idea, to make bookmarks of them. My son just finished Dante's Inferno. I think he was glad to be done with it, LOL.
I have to say that I enjoyed Dante's Inferno but then I was a big ole nerd and the teacher was fantastic!
I like the sketches and congrats on the FP on artfire:)
wonderful to hear of your shopping trip, so fun to buy art supplies. Fun bookmarks and cool that your son wanted you to make him one.
I remember the Inferno--read in college. I wonder which bookmark is for your son...curious.
It is fun to do something new--or an old thing again--every so often. I can tell you had fun with these bookmarks.
Nice TARDIS. ;-)
these will definitely make great bookmarks. have fun with them!
What a fun trip to the store! I love going for supplies. And your bookmarks are fantastic.
What fun bookmarks!
My favorite i on the far right.
I like the princess and the pea one! I loved those fairy tales.
Those will be great bookmarks!
What cool bookmarks these will be.
If I were a kid again I would want those as bookmarks too. Great fun!
cute! I love the watercolor pencils. I'm anxious to see what happens when the water is added. Is your son's the one on the far right? {:-D
TARDIS! Erm...I mean - great book marks :)
Always nice to see a fellow Dr Who fan. :-) Chicago TARDIS and Sci Fi Sea Cruise are not that far away. ;-)
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