Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Sketches

Another week - another sketch. And another fairy on a mushroom. I like drawing the bodies - but not so much the faces...mostly noses. I do not like noses. It is a good thing that my style is not one that requires reality. If I want realistic looking artwork, I'll get a photo :P Besides, it is so hard to get fairies to sit still and pose.

Getting back to drawing has been so good for me. I still need to do it more...and to get the paints back out. But for now, the pencils are great! I am so glad I tripped across the link party at Blue Chair Diary. Thanks Sophia :)


Memories for Life said...

Another pretty girl! Faces are always hard!

SarahBeth said...

I like your fairy! It's nice that she sat still for you...
I can draw cartoon stick figures - that's about all!

Marlene said...

She is very pretty. Darn those fairies for moving around so much.

storybeader said...

that's a little girl to look at - such a pretty fairy to look at! {:-D

Heather said...

She's very pretty. I like that she's sitting on the mushroom and her pose. I agree, don't like drawing noses, either! have a good sunday!

Kristin Dudish said...

I love those polka dots - so fun! (I know what you mean about getting fairies to sit still! ha!)


Wanda's Wings said...

Smile. Fairies don't sit still.

lissa said...

I like the polka dot mushroom, not much into drawing fairies but I imagine them to be hard to capture

have a great day.

Julia Christie said...

Yes those darn fairies are always flitting about...

this is really cute!


Joni Nickrent said...

Magical fairies and your sketch is so sweet!

Morph Waffle said...

Lovely figure, I really like her leg (if that doesn't sound too weird), like the mushroom too!

Helen said...

Lovely! And I love the mushroom too!

Christine said...

cute little fairy on a mushroom!

Deanna said...

I'm the dame way! Faces are so hard. What's weird is I can do portraits but when it comes to more whimsical looks I can never get them right! I think your fairy is quite lovely!

Teri said...

I love the composition. Maybe your fairy should turn her head so you can't see her face and then no worries.

Sinderella's Studio said...

so soft and sweet - just like fairy's should be...basking out in nature

Unknown said...

This is great fun